Sunday, 27 April 2014

What programme formats use multi-camera production?

-      Production teams use many different camera formats to record two types broadcasting, these two types are live broadcasting and studio broadcasting. And with these two types of camera production are single-camera, and Multi-camera. I will explain in detail what these types of camera productions are further on.   
d    However I will be focusing more on Multi-camera, and ill will go through six main genres of TV programming for using Multi-camera; 
-Public Events 
-Game shows 
-Chat shows 
-Magazine shows 

First of all what is Multi-Camera?

Multi-Camera is used in many types of production, productions such as, live sport, concerts, public events and more. But there’s one thing that all of the types of productions have in common, and that’s to make sure the viewer sees all of the action and misses nothing. The way production crews assure that this happen, is they have many cameras set up around the venue where everything within the event can be seen by a camera, this covers things from what the main attraction is to the audiences reactions. The benefits of having a production like this is that you record 100% of the footage and can show the audience the necessary footage. Let me use sports as in example, if we use a mainstream sport channel like, Sky Sports, we often see highlights of live footage of an event that occurred in the day, or in a earlier time period, things like this would be displayed, and when where watching them, we only see the best parts of what happened. and with it being Multi-camera  we see audiences reactions, just to build up a picture and emotion, and to also add an atmosphere to whats being shown.

- There is more then one view so there is multi choice within the editing.
- It is good for replaying in slow motion with live sports from a range of different angles.
- For spontaneity, if something were to happen unexpectedly, you would have it on camera.
- For speed, you can film more than one scene if a sitcom... and it gets done quicker as you will be most likely to film once.
- For continuity, all the shots are filmed at once so nothing will be out of place or change. You see everything.

- For certain shots, i.e. Over the shoulder in, for example, Eastenders, you would have to use single camera as you could see the other camera in the background over the other persons shoulder which would ruin the effect fo the scene.
- When filmed in location you would need to carry a lot of equipment and it takes longer to set up that single camera would.

Now i'm going to go through some examples of Multi-camera usage in different types of broadcasting , both practical and aesthetic.

Practical reasons for this genre to use multi-camera
By using multi-camera for live sport it allows the communication of meaning to the viewer. This is due to the ability to demonstrate various shots of the live game including close up shots of the players, their professional support and their fans. Close up shots of the players and the fans present demonstrate their mood and a long shot of the stadium demonstrate an overall energy to the viewers at home giving them a mood to conform to. As seen below a player has scored a goal and is congratulated by his team member at 0:34. He appears to be exstatic which is also shown through the shot of the crowd at 0:30. This shows the viewers at home that this is a positive moment and makes them feel part of the action.
By using multi-camera to film live sport it maintains the viewers interest. This can be done as both teams have the ability to be shown at the same time with their own reactions and whereabouts. Without multi-camera during live sport it would be impossible to show more than one section of the pitch at one time or during a important event e.g. a goal
From long shots the view of both teams are avaliable at the same time ingaging the viewer to see where both teams are increasing the excitment level. As the game is shot from various areas the viewer is able to see different shots and not one continuous one causing more interest and not bordem.

Aesthetic reasons for this genre to use multi-camera
Location enviroment is a reason for using multi cameras as it shows a large area al at once from differewnt angles. This is importnt during a sports game as it allows both teams supporters to see where their players are and what they are doing at the same moment as another player which may be at the other side of the pitch. By using multi camera we are able to see exactly how big the pitch is and the amount of people present. This gives across a exciting, crazy visual element to the viewers at home. This can also be interpretted by how fast or slow the cameras are panning following particular players.
Multi camera simultaneous recording coverage of action (live and spontaneous) multi camera helps cover all areas therefore nothing is missed e.g. a goal can be shown over and over from different angles as seen in the image below. This creates excitment visually for the viewer s they are able to view the same goal from many angles showing off the players skills and the process to the memorable goal.


Practical reasons for this genre to use multi-camera
A practical reason for using multi camera is to capture the visual style and mode of address. During live concerts we are able to capture the facial expressions of beyonce and her body language including dancing. As she speaks we are able to identify the mode of address. This could be calmas when she talks it is mellow. This gives a sence of emotion to the viewer. As it is a live concert, the pans help give across a visual style which could be slow as she speaks and fast as she sings/ dances giving off a calm or feisty mood depending also on the song.
Another practical reason for using multi camera is it communicates meaning to the viewer. By covering various areas of the venue we are able to see both the artist reaction and the crowds reaction. Usually we are shown close ups of certain people demonstrating to all round mood towards what the performer is doing. This si shown in the image below as the girls are all happy are appear tranced by beyonces performance. This mood rubs off on the viewers as they are being giving a sense of the involvement with the event. The live event gives off footage of what is going on at that moment which also creates meaning for the viewer as once again they feel a part of the event although they are not there.

Aesthetic reasons for this genre to use multi-camera
By using multi camera during live concerts you are able to gain a coverage of action. This is a positive aspect as it can visually create and maintain interest of the viewer rather than showing the same peice of action going on from the same angle. By having multi camera we are able to gather shots of Beyonce and the crowd at the same time from differtent angles. The is visually satisfying and creates a sense of creativity for the viewer gainign more interest and excitement rather than boring them. Below there are images of Beyonces live performance and the angles it was shown at for 20 seconds. Each of these angles and shot types make the performance interesting eg close ups, long shots and venue shots.
By using multi camera during beyonces live perfromance we are able to see the constraints of a location enviroment. Below there are some shots which demonstrate what the viewer can see. This allows the coverage of a large area which requires more than one camera to view everything that is occuring  at once. The viewers at home are able to feel the scale of the event and the aone artist is having at that very moment on so many people including themselves in one large location and at home. This often creates a mood and an impact.

PUBLIC EVENT - Nelson Mandela's funeral 
practical reasoning 
The aim of Nelson Mandela's funeral was to show the world how a nation the imprisoned him also loved him, the main aim of broadcasting the funeral was to gain the public and viewers sympathy. if we look at 1:12 we can see his coffin being moved and people crying, this builds up sympathy for the viewers at home, to give them an atmosphere and emotion for the people sitting at home. we can also see that this Multi-camera presented and with a variety of shots we can gain the emotion within the air due to the event that is happening. if we look at the start of the video we can see that there is not a sound being made and just a clear over view into the hills. This again is to outline the intensity and pressure that is there.  

Aesthetic reasons for this genre to use multi-camera
When we go from 1:20 to around the 2:00 mark we manage to see around 40 shots, what this does is keep the viewer locked on to what their watching, this also changes the scenery from the walk to the arena, and this again does not cause bordem for the viewer and keeps them encouraged in what they're watching. 


Game shows use Multi-camera to cover the action, games shows are particular fast pace and involve some sort of activity. In this case Multi-camera is necessary as there is a lot of action to cover. Covering the action is the main reason for Multi-camera for example if the show were to only use a single camera, they could miss some of the action as they may want to film footage of the audiences reaction of the presenters.

In Hole In the wall, they use the camera's for different area's in the studio such as covering the:

  • Presenter Long shot
  • Present Mid-shot
  • Presenter Close-up
  • Guests/Participators Long-shot
  • Team 1 Long shot/Mid-shot
  • Team 2 Long shot/Mid shot
  • Game zone area Long shot and close up 
As you can see there are many area's to cover and so this is why Multi-camera is used. Multi-camera is also used in games shows is to make the footage spontaneous and live. As some studio game shows are live, they must capture all the action to avoid missing a spontaneous moment which will be hard to capture again. Also the video syncs well and can be edited easier as it was all shot at the same time. If it was single camera, they would have to shoot the show from different scenes and it would mean repeating the same thing.

Aesthetic Reasons for using Multi-camera in game shows is to make the clip more entertaining, interesting and to make the clip more creative for the viewers. Using different shots and camera angles makes a clip more interesting as their is more going on and it has more of a meaning to it. As I have listed above what they focus on, this is to cover the action and give the viewers more to watch. 
Also Multi-camera communicates to the viewer based on the cuts and camera language. From the clip this is done by for example when a task is finished, they will cut to the audience or team to show their reaction and this communicates to the viewers watching on how they should react and feel about that particular moment.

In this video we see different Celebrity's participating in the game show. Individually or in teams they try to create the shape of the wall to pass through it without breaking or falling in the water behind them. If they successfully pass through the wall, they award their team points. From the points above it shows they post replays for entertainment in slow motion so the audience can see the clip better.

STUDIO CHAT SHOW- The Jonathan Ross Show - Rihanna

Practical reasons for using multi camera
Practical reasons for using multi camera during chat shows is visual style and mode of address. This is shown through out the video through close ups of Jonathan Ross and Rihanna. We are able to as an example view what both of them are wearing to establish what kind of show it is and whether the moods meant to be crazy or calm. By the look of it they appear to be in a crazy mood. Multi cameras allow us to see both of their reactions at the same time which helps us understand the characters better. Another reason multi camera is need is as when Rihanna in in a seperate rooma nad she walks out onto the show we are able to see her entereing and the people in the other rooms reactions. This gives us more to look at and more to absorb about the visual style and mode of address.
During this show maintaining viewers interest is achieved by speaking to Rihanna about various topics. This included things she has recently done eg. been on the tub, the way she dances, whether she has competition with any other artists and what artists she does like. Whilst both people are talking , pictures are also shown so the view presented to the audience is not consistant and boring. By asking Rihanna questions about her love life and which artists she has competition with it gains viewers intrest as people are her fans and want to know as much as they can about her. This show gives them a chance to find things out as it is informative and formal. Multi cameras allow the viewers to see her reaction to questions and whilst she is giving answers Jonathan Ross's reactions. This demonstrates how theya re both feeling and whether they are being genuine towards one another. We are also able to establish a relationship due to the use of multi cameras.

Aesthetic reasons for using multi camera
Due to the use of multi camera we are able to gain a coverage of action. This is helpful during chat shows as it shows the host and the guest at the same time, individually and the sets from different angles. This would not be possible if there was only one camera. During this show we are able to see a long shot and a close up of Rihanna which can help viewers understand her body lanuage and her facial emotions at the same time. We also see shots of Jonathan Ross and the set which also enturprets a mood. There are many camera allowing us to do this which demonstrates a coverage of action.

Multi camera is used in this chat show to present live and spontainious footage to the viewer through various shots. By the image below we are able to identify that the mood for this show is crazy not calm. This is shown through reaction shots of Rihanna and Jonathan Ross. This is relevant to the viewer as it helps them gain a concept of what mood this show is trying to put across and what kind of show it is.


Practical reasons for using multi camera
Practical reasons for using multi camera include communicating meaning to the viewer. By using more than one camera we are able to gather the reactions of the person singing and the judges at the same moment. This is shown when the singer sings and and jessie j begin to cry. This creates a communication between the show and the viewers as they begin to feel sorry for the judges and excited for the person singing as they appear to be a break through.
Another reason for using multi camera during talent shows is it maintaining viewers interest. As we are able to see both the contestant and the judges. During this show there is a twist of the judges not being able to see the act however we can. Intrest is maintained as their backs are turned and they are unaware of what they look like. This appears to be exciting and different everytime some new comes on as we want to see how the judges react.

Aesthetic reasons for using multi camera
By using multi camera during talent shows you are able to gain a coverage of action. We are able to see the judges, their reactions whilst someone is singing, the singer and the crowd. This presents a good coverage of action as we are able to see everything happening at the same time. An example is when william is deciding whether to press his button or not and the singer is waiting in antisipation. This is shown in the shot below.
Another positive aesthetic reason for using multi camera is it allows simultaneous recording coverage of action. This can be spontainious eg. when does finally press his button and everyone gets excited. This is considered to be a exciting moment however it is important that the viewers also experience this. This was possible due to multi cameras.