Friday, 6 June 2014

Production Meeting Reflection - 2

So my task this week as Sound Mixer was to find, suitable Music that could potentially be implemented within the production. To do this it was important for me to make sure that my choices of music worked well with the theme, and was appropriate to the production. To make sure of this, I asked the Director Jasmeet, to give me a sense of direction of what genre and type of music she wanted and what would go well with the whole production.

well I managed to find music and sounds, that the group also agreed too, i had to make sure this was important, as its a group project. 

Within the production meeting, people did not like, whistle, so to change that, we as the group decided to get rid of the idea, as we thought it wouldn't work well.

For the next week, i am going to make a sound level script, where ill have a script showing each sound and how loud I want it to be and where i want it to be.

I had Jasmeet, the director, to help me find suitable music, i found this to be very helpful, and it gave me a hindsight of what the group wanted. If i didn't have that i would of went with my own choice of music, which i did, but went with music that i thought would work well.   

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