Friday, 23 May 2014

Production meeting reflection 1

As this was our fist production meeting, things started off a bit slow, some of us where more confident in others. Eventually we started off going around the table telling everyone our ideas. What we done was give everyone just a brief run down of what we liked and disliked about each others ideas.

Looking back to my idea, I personally thought the the idea as a whole was okay but could of been improved, with the use of more innovation. There some of my games and content features that I think would of worked really well, for example if we look at my, "Hot seat", idea, I think this would of merged in with the rest of the show nicely. We saw this when I displayed my idea to the group and they really liked it.

In the end, we chose Jada's idea, her show name was called "The Beat", she had some original Idea, due to fact of her content ideas, I personally voted for this idea, because I think it would be good to work wit, and its never been done before.

I really liked her background idea, but I was concerned about the colours she has used, may effect the green screen, because of the black and blue may cause some errors.

We have not really talked about adding things to the idea but at the moment we are still owrking together as a group to make sure its perfect.

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